
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Learning ABCD in week 2

Whew! I have finally finished all the tasks of this week. It’s kind of tough for me as I run both my full-time work and online course at the same time. But like always, I really enjoy learning and upgrading myself for my professional development and I love teaching. I think this is the key thing to get happiness in life when someone enjoys doing what he wants to do. I am absolutely overwhelmed by the various innovative teaching methods using technology during these two weeks. Mostly everything is new for me and I can see some of the things from different views and love the way I have a lot of options to do with my students. One of the tasks in this week is writing learning objective with ABCD model. I have been writing objectives, aims and goals since I was a novice teacher while taking the Fundamental of Communicative Language Teaching course from British Council Burma five years ago. This is one of my favorite parts of lesson planning and I do concentrate first on what I want my students to achieve in learning English by the end of my lesson. Like some of my peers, I didn’t have any experience of using ABCD style objective. I thought I would be confused with this new method and surprisingly, it is an easy and simple way of showing different aspects of the objective such as Audience, Behavior, Condition and Degree. After reading this fantastic article of ABCD model from Penn StateLearning Design Community Hub, I can write more clear and precise objective with measurable behavioral learning verbs. Since choosing the correct key verbs is the heart of the objective, I’m really glad to learn all the use of right verbs to express the expected behavior for students to produce. You can check these out on Bloom's Tax Verbs which is a great site I found. Another interesting site about writing objective with ABCD is Illinois Online Network.

Week 2 has passed successfully with lots of new things. I’m sure another week waits ahead with amazing techniques too. Have a nice learning experience!


  1. Hello Zun,
    Your blog is so great. The second week was so brilliant. We had a lot of it to complete, but it was amazing. We learned many useful things which will make our teaching easier, especially the ABCD model. This model enables us to write more concrete and more effective learning objectives.

    Everything the best...
    Have a nice day.

  2. Hi, Zun .
    I like your blog, first of all.It is good to see how much we can do with this tool. I hope to learn more about it, too.I agree with you that one of the best things is to love what you do. That way,we get more involved on what we are doing.This was a great week.We learned
    about the ABCD Method with which we will be able to write clear objectives. Thank you for sharing Illinois Online Network, I will
    try that too.


  3. Dear Rade and Denise, thanks for saying that you like reading my blog. I'm so happy to be participated in this friendly and supported learning atmosphere. I learned a lot from your discussion in Nicenet this week. :)

    All the best,
    Zun Phyu
